Order of Sport Award Symbol

Class of 2023

Brian Williams




Sport Broadcaster
Brian Williams
A mentor and inspiration for generations of sportscasters, he has enjoyed an extraordinary career, spanning five decades with an iconic voice that has resonated with all Canadians. In addition to his career, Williams is a former member of the Board of Directors of Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities, Tim Horton Children’s Foundation, and the North York General Hospital in Toronto.

Over a remarkable career spanning five decades and covering everything from Formula One and IndyCar racing, skiing, tennis, figure skating, horse-racing, and the CFL, including numerous Grey Cups, to an outstanding total of 14 Olympic Games, Brian Williams has set the standard for excellence in Canadian sports broadcasting. Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1946, Brian’s natural storytelling ability and journalistic integrity garnered eight Gemini Awards, two Foster Hewitt Awards, two Outstanding Broadcasting Awards from Sports Media Canada, and investiture into the Order of Canada. Brian also played a pivotal role in rejuvenating Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame and continues to share his talent for building community with many worthy organizations and charities including Special Olympics. He is a former member of the Board of Directors of Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities, Tim Horton Children’s Foundation, and the North York General Hospital in Toronto. Vividly bringing stories behind the world’s greatest athletes to life for so many years, Brian Williams’ iconic voice continues to resonate with Canadians today, and remains an enduring influence on generations of sportscasters fortunate enough to follow in his footsteps.


Au cours d’une carrière extraordinaire de cinq décennies, Brian Williams a établi la norme d’excellence de la diffusion sportive au Canada. Il a couvert tous les événements, y compris la course automobile de la Formule 1 et le Indianapolis 500, le ski, le tennis, le patinage artistique, les courses de chevaux et le football de la LCF, ainsi que de nombreuses Coupes Grey et un total impressionnant de 14 Jeux olympiques. Né en 1946, à Winnipeg, au Manitoba, son habileté naturelle de raconteur et son intégrité journalistique lui ont valu huit prix Gemini, deux prix Foster Hewitt, deux prix de meilleur commentateur décernés par Sports Media Canada et d’être nommé membre de l’ordre du Canada. Il a également joué un rôle crucial dans la revitalisation du Panthéon des sports canadiens. Il continue de donner de son temps pour bâtir les communautés, oeuvrant auprès de nombreux organismes caritatifs et institutions dont Olympiques spéciaux Canada. Il a siégé sur les conseils d’administration des Charités Ronald McDonald pour les enfants et de la Fondation Tim Horton pour les enfants, ainsi que sur celui du North York General Hospital à Toronto. Donnant vie de manière éclatante aux histoires derrière les plus grands athlètes au monde pendant tant d’années, sa voix emblématique continue de résonner aux oreilles des Canadiens et il continue d’influencer les nombreux commentateurs sportifs qui ont eu la chance de suivre ses pas.

Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame is honoured to be presenting Brian Williams with the prestigious Order of Sport award on Thursday, October 19, 2023 as a member of the incredible Class of 2023.